
Virginia Workers’ Compensation:  Hospitality Worker Injuries and Benefits

Hospitality employees include workers in restaurants, hotels, amusement parks, airlines, etc. The hospitality industry is fast-paced and workers are usually on their feet and on the move for most of their workdays.

As a result, many hospitality workers suffer trips and falls that cause them injuries.  They are also frequently exposed to various dangers, such as chemicals, sharp objects, and sometimes bad behavior from the public, that cause injuries and illnesses.

Recent Hospitality Injuries in the News

Recently, there have been increased assaults on hospitality workers as the U.S. has relaxed many of its COVID restrictions and more people are traveling.  In May, 2021, a Southwest Airlines flight attendant was struck by a passenger, suffering injuries to her mouth and face.  The assault knocked out two of the flight attendant’s teeth.

As a result of this incident, the president of the Transport Workers Union of America Local 556, called on Southwest and other airlines for support “as plane passengers become increasingly unruly.”  She further stated, “the unprecedented number of incidents has reached an intolerable level, with passenger non-compliance events also becoming more aggressive in nature.”

When these injuries and illnesses are caused by the job or the work environment, workers in Virginia may be entitled to collect Virginia workers’ compensation benefits.

Injured Hospitality Worker Benefits

Hospitality workers who are injured in Virginia or are employed by a company that operates out of Virginia may be entitled to Virginia workers’ compensation benefits if they suffer an injury.  In Virginia, workers’ compensation may cover the following:

  • lifetime medical benefits
  • lost wages for being totally off work for a period of time
  • lost wages for being restricted to fewer than normal number of hours
  • compensation for a permanent injury

Potential Problems With Hospitality Workers’ Compensation

Like all workers’ compensation cases, hospitality workers’ cases can run into roadblocks and present various legal challenges.  Virginia workers’ compensation is a complex area of the law that can essentially be a mine field for inexperienced lawyers.

Possible workers’ compensation claim problems for hospitality workers include:

  • determining the jurisdiction of the claim, especially if the worker travels from city to city or across state lines
  • receiving a denial because the insurance company claims the injury wasn’t caused by a risk of the employment

Claim Denied

If your workers’ compensation claim is denied, you will need an experienced Virginia workers’ compensation lawyer to help you make the best decisions for your case.  It will be important to involve an attorney early in the process so they can quickly resolve any lingering issues before the hearing, take witness statements, and obtain the employer’s defenses.

Talk To A Hospitality Industry Virginia Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

The attorneys at the Ritchie Law Firm have decades of experience fighting for employees who have been injured as a result of injuries in the hospitality industry.  Our team knows how to beat the defenses of the workers’ comp insurance company and get you the compensation you need.

Has your Virginia workers’ compensation claim been denied?  Have a stack of medical bills that you don’t know how you’re going to pay?  We can help.

When your health and family are on the line, the Ritchie Law Firm goes into BATTLE for you!  Don’t waste time letting the insurance company build its case against you.  Call us TODAY!

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