What Everyone Should Know About A Head On Truck Crash Without a doubt, a head on truck crash is often devastating. You might think that head on truck crashes rarely happen. If you think that, you’d be wrong! Unfortunately, head on truck crashes involving heavy...
Tractor Trailer Accidents Are Devastating Tractor trailer accidents are no joke, but why are they so devastating? Our experts know the reasons. Discover what makes these types of accidents so tragic and what you might be entitled to if you are injured in a tractor...
Why Are There So Many Truck Accidents? Fatal truck accidents are far too common in the United States. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, on average, a truck accident fatality occurs approximately 11 times every day. The result is a...
Virginia Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer Hi, I’m Mike Ritchie with the Ritchie Law Firm. Today, we’re talking about big truck wrecks. Over the past 10 years, there’s been a 52% increase in the number of big truck wrecks in the United States. This increase is...
I’m Mike Ritchie with the Ritchie Law Firm. Today, I want to talk about big truck accidents. Accidents involving large trucks and 18 wheelers are different than car accidents. In fact, they are much worse. Large trucks and tractor trailers are very heavy and take...