
TBI Long Term Effects and Symptoms

TBI Long Term Effects and Symptoms Years Later A traumatic brain injury or TBI can cause moderate to severe injuries and long term consequences for many years after the initial injury. A traumatic brain injury results when there is a sudden blow or impact to the body...

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Traumatic Brain Injury Resources

Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Guide Every year in the United States, approximately 2.5 million people suffer from an injury that causes a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBIs affect every age group and vary in level of severity. A brain injury, whether mild or more...

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Car Accident Report In Virginia

When is a Car Accident Report Filed in Virginia and Can a Missing Report Affect My Car Accident Claim? If you’ve been involved in a car accident recently, you understand the importance of the car accident report that is usually filed by the police.  But, when is a...

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