Virginia New Laws 2024
Virginia New Laws 2024 The Virginia legislature has been busy in 2024. We have attempted to gather information about new laws that may be of particular interest. Beginning July 1, 2024, the following new laws will go into effect in Virginia: Cruelty to Animals;...
Suffering A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) After An Accident
Understanding and Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury After an Accident: Symptoms, Support, and Strategies Facing a traumatic brain injury after an accident brings a host of questions and concerns. What are the symptoms, and what does the recovery process entail?...
Injuries Caused By Dangerous Road Conditions
Navigating the Hazards: A Guide to Injuries Caused by Dangerous Road Conditions What rights do you have if you've been injured as a result of dangerous road conditions? Traffic accidents due to poor road maintenance can lead to injuries ranging from minor to severe....
Virginia Workers’ Compensation Questions and Answers
Virginia Workers' Compensation Claim If you've been injured on the job, you may find that the Virginia Workers' Compensation system can be a complex and confusing process. Following all the deadlines and rules of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission may seem...
Sistema de Jubilación de Virginia (VRS) Burocracia
Conozca sus prestaciones: Navegar por el proceso de incapacidad del Sistema de Jubilación de Virginia Enfrentarse a una incapacidad como empleado del estado de Virginia puede ser preocupante, pero las prestaciones por incapacidad del Sistema de Jubilación de Virginia están diseñadas para ayudarle. Siga leyendo para saber quién puede...
Motorcycle Crashes in Virginia
Understanding the Rise of Motorcycle Crashes in Virginia: Causes and Prevention Motorcycle crashes in Virginia are a pressing safety issue, with motorcyclists at a high risk of being involved in fatal accidents. With new data from the National Highway Safety...
Heavy Industry Accidents
Guide to Injuries From Heavy Industry Work Accidents Heavy industry work accidents can be life-altering. These accidents can happen even when safety protocols are strictly enforced. This guide dives into recognized hazards, prevention strategies, and the personal toll...
Most Dangerous Trucking Routes in Virginia and West Virginia
Navigating Harrowing Highways: The Most Dangerous Trucking Routes in Virginia and West Virginia When navigating the roadways in Virginia and West Virginia, drivers face some challenging routes where many truck accidents occur every year. Knowing these routes and...
How To Deal With The Workers’ Comp Nurse Case Manager
Tips For Dealing With Your Virginia Workers' Compensation Nurse Case Manager If you've been injured on the job, you might find yourself dealing with a nurse case manager. Nurse case managers are often hired by the workers' comp insurance company to monitor your...
How a Wrongful Death Claim Works
What It Takes to Win a Wrongful Death Case If a loved one has passed away due to another person’s negligence or misconduct, you may be entitled to a monetary recovery through a wrongful death claim. If successful, the damages you receive may cover everything from...
Are Motorcycle Helmets Required in Virginia?
Navigating Virginia Law: Are Motorcycle Helmets Required in Virginia? Are motorcycle helmets required in Virginia? Virginia law requires both riders and passengers to wear appropriately certified helmets. At the Ritchie Law Firm, we represent hundreds of clients...
Mental Health Disorders in Virginia Workers Compensation
Navigating Mental Health Disorders in Virginia Workers Compensation: Know Your Rights and Benefits Trying to determine your eligibility for coverage for mental health disorders in Virginia workers compensation can be complex. Depending on the circumstances of the...