Rockingham and Augusta County Accidents Increase as State Opens Up
Auto Accidents in Rockingham and Augusta Counties Increase as the Commonwealth Opens for Business On Friday, May 15th, Virginians enjoyed a lessening of the stay at home restrictions to prevent COVID-19. While a lessening of the restrictions is likely good for...
Nursing Home Requirements During COVID-19
Nursing Home Requirements During COVID-19 Even before the COVID-19 crisis, many nursing homes in U.S. were experiencing crises of their own caused by staffing as well as other issues. Recently, nursing home facilities in and around Charlottesville, Virginia,...
Harrisonburg VA Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Harrisonburg VA Workers' Compensation Lawyer If you've been injured at work, it is very important to talk with a lawyer experienced in handling injury cases. Most lawyers will be interested in representing you if they think you have a good case. BUT, most lawyers...
Medical forms
If you are interested in forms for appointing a Medical Power of Attorney or for an Advance Medical Directive, we have provided links for you below: Virginia_AD_Appoint_an_Agent_only Virginia_AD_Medical_Mental_End-of-Life_Healthcare_short
Virginia Workers’ Compensation and Coronavirus
How Does Virginia Workers’ Comp Affect Workers Who Contract Coronavirus The ongoing coronavirus pandemic is proving to be a challenge for workers in many ways. Not only do workers have to worry about having reliable childcare, now the pandemic also raises the...
Coronavirus and Nursing Homes
Coronavirus and Nursing Homes As the coronavirus continues to plague nursing homes nationwide, the Virginia Department of Health has been monitoring the outbreak in Virginia's senior care facilities. In our local area, the Accordius Health facility in Harrisonburg as...
How Other Payments Affect Social Security Disability?
How Other Payments Affect Social Security Disability? If you are approved for Social Security Disability benefits but are already receiving or have applied for other government benefits, you are probably wondering how those other benefits will affect your disability...
Getting Medical Treatment During Coronavirus Outbreak
Getting Medical Treatment During Coronavirus Outbreak The arrival of the Coronavirus in the United States has drastically changed the way we Americans do a lot of things. Included in those changes is the availability of medical treatment for accident-related...
Worker’s Compensation Video – Winchester Attorney
Winchester Workers’ Compensation- Video Transcription Hi! My name is Bob Guntharp. I am attorney with the Ritchie Law Firm inWinchester, Virginia. I practice workers’ compensation law.It is interesting as we are making our way through this terrible COVID-19pandemic...
Can I Get Insurance Money If I Wasn’t Wearing A Seatbelt?
Can I Get Insurance Money If I Wasn't Wearing A Seat Belt? Everyone knows that wearing a seat belt is very important to protect yourself from being seriously injured in a car accident. In fact, in 2016, 48% of all fatalities in auto accidents were caused by people...
Workers’ Compensation From Amazon
Workers' Compensation From Amazon Amazon is the largest online retailer in the United States. The appeal of Amazon is the ease of home bound ordering and quick delivery of its products. But, in many instances, Amazon's speedy delivery comes at a very high human...
Short Term Disability and the Coronavirus
Short Term Disability and the Coronavirus Worried about getting the coronavirus and losing time from work? Hoping your short term or long term disability policy will pay for your time off if you get sick? We will explore how some disability companies are handling...