
Nursing Home Requirements During COVID-19

Nursing Home Requirements During COVID-19 Even before the COVID-19 crisis, many nursing homes in U.S. were experiencing crises of their own caused by staffing as well as other issues.  Recently, nursing home facilities in and around Charlottesville, Virginia,...

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Medical forms

If you are interested in forms for appointing a Medical Power of Attorney or for an Advance Medical Directive, we have provided links for you below: Virginia_AD_Appoint_an_Agent_only Virginia_AD_Medical_Mental_End-of-Life_Healthcare_short

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Coronavirus and Nursing Homes

Coronavirus and Nursing Homes As the coronavirus continues to plague nursing homes nationwide, the Virginia Department of Health has been monitoring the outbreak in Virginia's senior care facilities.  In our local area, the Accordius Health facility in Harrisonburg as...

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Workers’ Compensation From Amazon

Workers' Compensation From Amazon Amazon is the largest online retailer in the United States.  The appeal of Amazon is the ease of home bound ordering and quick delivery of its products.  But, in many instances, Amazon's speedy delivery comes at a very high human...

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Short Term Disability and the Coronavirus

Short Term Disability and the Coronavirus Worried about getting the coronavirus and losing time from work?  Hoping your short term or long term disability policy will pay for your time off if you get sick?  We will explore how some disability companies are handling...

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