Understanding the Impact of Large Truck Crash Statistics and Safety
This article explores recent statistics about large truck crashes in the United States. A large truck, for purposes of this article, is any medium or heavy truck, excluding buses and motor homes, with gross vehicle weight (GVWR) greater than 10,000 pounds.
1. Large Truck Crash: In 2023, Deaths from Large Truck Accidents Were Over 5,000
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, deaths from large truck crashes were recorded at 5,078, according to the 2023 data. This data shows that fatalities from fatal large truck crashes continue to be on the rise, as these statistics are on par with data from 2022. In 2022, there were 5,936 fatal large truck crashes with more than 160,000 injuries.
The largest increase in fatalities were in crashes with trucks weighing 10,000 to 14,000 pounds, including dual rear-wheel pickup trucks. With the United States’ freight transportation at an all-time high, it is not surprising that the number of crashes and injuries have risen.
A growing factor in the overall traffic death statistics is distracted driving, which includes distractions of both the drivers of cars as well as drivers of large trucks.
2. 80% of car-truck crashes are actually caused by car drivers
A study conducted by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute indicates that 81% of the time, car drivers are assigned fault in crashes occurring involving large trucks. Specifically, cars were responsible 91% of the time in head-on crashes, 91% of the time in opposite-direction sideswipes, in 71% of rear-end crashes, and in 77% of same-direction crashes.
3. Deaths from accidents with large trucks occur mostly in occupants of other vehicles
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2022, 66% of fatalities in crashes involving large trucks were occupants of other vehicles, while 17% were occupants of the large truck. This highlights the disproportionate risk that large trucks pose to other road users. The size and weight of large trucks can lead to devastating consequences in the event of a crash, making it essential to prioritize safety measures to protect all road users.
4. Deaths from accidents with large trucks occur mostly in occupants of other vehicles. In fact:
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2022, 66% of fatalities in such crashes involving large trucks were occupants of other vehicles, while 17% were occupants of the large truck.
72% are typically occupants of other vehicles
18% are occupants of large trucks
10% are pedestrians or bicyclists
5. Large trucks are more likely to be involved in fatal multiple-vehicle crashes than passenger vehicles
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2017, of all police reported crashes involving large trucks, 80% led to fatalities. For passenger vehicles, however, of all crashes only 62% led to fatalities. The disparity in these numbers is obviously related to the weight and size of the large trucks.
6. In Virginia, 8.7% of all fatal crashes involve large trucks. But in West Virginia, 11.8% involve large trucks
The prevalence of large truck crashes varies by state, with some states experiencing a higher proportion of fatal crashes involving large trucks. In Virginia, for example, 8.7% of all fatal crashes in 2022 involved large trucks, while in West Virginia, 11.8% of fatal crashes involved large trucks. These statistics underscore the need for targeted safety initiatives and enforcement efforts to address the unique challenges posed by large trucks in different regions.
7. In Virginia, 8.7% of all fatal crashes involve large trucks. But in West Virginia, 11.8% involve large trucks
The mid-west leads the nation in percentages of large trucks involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes. Weather and roadway conditions, including everything from wide open spans to curvy roads, are said to contribute to these crashes.
8. Despite better inspections and more oversight, truck crashes are killing more people
Since the beginning of federal regulations focused on making large trucks safe, thousands of lives have been saved on roadways in the United States. But, over the last decade, fatal crashes involving large trucks have been on the rise again. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, between 2009 and 2017, the number of fatal crashes in the U.S. involving large trucks increased by 42%.
Currently, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s inspection-monitoring system aids the nation’s state police departments by letting them know which drivers or companies have red flags requiring more frequent inspections.
New technologies being used in the trucking industry, such as forward-looking camera systems, collision mitigation technology, and trailer tracking are designed to help prevent crashes. Despite these technologies, however, fatalities in large truck involved collisions continue to rise.
9. Causes of Truck Crashes
Truck crashes can be attributed to a combination of factors, including driver error, vehicle-related issues, and environmental factors.
a. Driver Error
Driver error is a leading cause of truck crashes, accounting for approximately 94% of all crashes. Common driver errors include:
Fatigue: Many drivers experience fatigue due to long hours of driving, which can impair their ability to react to situations on the road.
Distraction: Drivers may be distracted by their phones, other passengers, or external factors, leading to a loss of focus on the road.
Aggressive driving: Drivers who engage in aggressive behaviors, such as speeding or tailgating, increase their risk of being involved in a crash.
b. Vehicle-Related Issues
Vehicle-related issues can also contribute to truck crashes. These may include:
Poorly maintained brakes: Brakes that are not properly maintained can fail, leading to a loss of control and increased stopping distance.
Tire blowouts: Tire blowouts can cause a truck to lose control, particularly if the driver is not experienced in handling such situations.
Mechanical failures: Mechanical failures, such as engine or transmission failures, can lead to a loss of control and increase the risk of a crash.
These factors highlight the importance of regular vehicle maintenance, proper driver training, and adherence to safety regulations to prevent truck crashes.
10. How to stay safe when sharing the road with large trucks
While every crash and injury on our country’s highways is a tragedy, preventing these collisions requires understanding the causes. So, understanding that the following can help you stay safe when sharing the road with large trucks:
Fatigue: Truck drivers often work long hours, leading to exhaustion. Falling asleep at the wheel, often due to fatigue, can lead to a loss of control and awareness, resulting in dangerous driving situations and severe accidents.
a. Always drive defensively —
Pay attention to locations of other vehicles, including large trucks, traffic flow, vehicle signals, and weather so you can have enough time to react to problems.
Defensive driving can help you avoid not only large truck crashes but also other crashes involving different types of vehicles.
b. Stay out of blind spots —
The largest blind spot for a large truck is on its right side. Sometimes, a truck driver’s view can be blocked on the right for three or more lanes. Other blind spots are right in front of the cab, close behind the trailer as well as certain areas along the driver’s side. AVOID THESE AREAS! You want to make sure the truck driver can see you!
Single unit trucks also have significant blind spots that drivers need to be aware of.
c. Practice Safe Passing —
Don’t linger when passing large trucks. And, drive more closely to the shoulder of the road than to the truck. Passing loaded tractor trailers requires extra caution due to their size and weight.
d. Don’t cut large trucks off —
Larger trucks have much longer stopping distances, which can be up to two football fields when traveling highway speeds. Make sure you can see the whole front end of the truck in your rear view mirror before you merge in front of it. Sudden stops can increase the risk of vehicle rolls, especially for large trucks.
e. Dim your lights —
Bright headlights that reflect off large truck mirrors can cause two seconds or more of blindness when traveling at 55 miles per hour.
Bright lights can also contribute to rollover crashes if the driver loses control due to temporary blindness.
Talk to a Lawyer First!
If you’ve been injured in an accident with a large truck or tractor trailer, you might be contacted by the trucking company’s insurance representative or truck drivers very quickly. Sometimes, insurance companies will try to call you as soon as the day after the accident. Before you talk to any insurance company, you should get the advice of an experienced truck accident lawyer. Most lawyers will give you a free consultation to talk about what you might be entitled to receive. At the Ritchie Law Firm, you can talk to an experienced truck accident lawyer for free . . . NO STRINGS ATTACHED!!
Whether the insurance company contacts you quickly or not, the faster you seek legal advice from a lawyer who knows truck accidents, the better. With a tractor trailer crash, prompt investigation is critical to successfully recovering money damages in your case. Because accidents involving tractor trailers are devastating, making sure that things like skid mark measurements and impact marks are preserved are often essential to a good recovery.
Experienced Tractor Trailer AccidentLawyers
The five lawyers at the Ritchie Law Firm have more 145 years of combined experienced handling truck crash cases. See our tractor trailer accident Case Results here. Throughout the nearly half century history of the Ritchie Law Firm, our lawyers have handled thousands of devastating crash cases involving serious and complex injuries such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, multiple bone fractures, and even death.
You should not have to bear the financial burden of a wreck that was caused by a negligent truck driver. Accidents involving tractor trailers are devastating. At the Ritchie Law Firm, we can help you hold the other driver accountable and help you get the compensation you need to pay your bills and recover.
Talk with a Virginia and West Virginia Accident Lawyer
If you or a loved one suffered significant injuries in a truck or tractor trailer accident in Virginia, Ritchie Law Firm is here to help. The experienced, certified attorneys at the Ritchie Law Firm has helped thousands of injured victims and their families recover the compensation they deserve after an accident. Contact us by phone at 800-277-6124 or by using our online contact form.
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Ritchie Law Firmis a personal injury law firm devoted to helping individuals who have suffered serious and catastrophic injuries or lost a loved one as a result of someone else’s negligence.Ritchie Law Firm serves all of Virginia, while helping clients in cities and surrounding areas of Harrisonburg, Charlottesville, Staunton, and Winchester also serves clients in West Virginia, including Martinsburg, WV.