How Much Is a Rear-End Car Accident Worth?
How Much Is A Rear-End Car Accident Worth? Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of auto accidents. Many rear-end auto accidents happen when a vehicle is waiting in traffic, waiting to turn left or right, or waiting for a light to change. So, how much...
Legalization Of Marijuana In Virginia
What Does Virginia's Marijuana Decriminalization Mean? Beginning July 1, 2020, a new law in Virginia reduced penalties for offenses involving the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana to a civil violation. This means that there can be no arrests and no criminal...
How to Get Mileage from Your Workers’ Comp Claim
How Do I Get My Mileage Reimbursement From Virginia Workers' Compensation? In Virginia, injured workers can be reimbursed for their travel expenses for trips to their medical and therapy appointments. If the workers' comp insurance company hasn't accepted your claim...
8 Deadly Causes of Tractor Trailer Accidents
8 Of The Deadliest Causes of Tractor Trailer Accidents We all know that the trucking industry powers America. Without the U.S. trucking fleet, we would be faced with a drastic shortage of supplies being delivered to the American public. While the trucking industry...
How To Vote In Virginia
How To Vote In Virginia Virginians, make your voices heard this election day! Here are some of the new rules about how to vote in Virginia for the upcoming presidential election on November 3, 2020 and beyond: Election day is now a state holiday in Virginia Effective...
Don’t Cross A Double Solid Yellow Line: Route 262 Accident
Don't Cross A Double Solid Yellow Line: Route 262 Head-On Crash While most drivers understand pavement markings used on streets and highways, some combinations of lines and colors can be confusing. But, when it comes to double solid yellow lines, let's be clear, DO...
Why Are There So Many Trucks On Interstate 81?
Why Are There So Many Trucks On Interstate 81? Using large trucks to ship freight is an important part of our national economy. Without tractor trailers and large trucks, transportation of supplies to inland areas would be much more difficult. While Virginia's sea...
Most Dangerous Roads In Rockingham County
Most Dangerous Roads In Rockingham County As of August 10, 2020, there have been a total of 488 car crashes in Rockingham County so far in 2020 with 8 fatalities. Of those crashes, 137 involved injuries or fatalities. It appears that COVID-19 may have played a part...
Farm Vehicle Accidents
Prevent Farm Vehicle Accidents This Summer: Safety Tips Every summer, farmers take to the roadways to tend to the crops they have planted to feed us. Their jobs are essential. When you are driving near farm land, it is important to understand how to prevent farm...
Personal Injury During A Pandemic
How To Protect Your Personal Injury Claim During A Pandemic If you've been injured in a car accident or have another injury caused by the negligence of someone else, there are some steps you need to take during this uncertain time to protect yourself and your claim. ...
Virginia Retirement System Disability
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT VIRGINIA RETIREMENT SYSTEM DISABILITY If you work for an employer such as a city, county, or town government, or a school system, or other entity that offers Virginia Retirement System Disability benefits, you may be able to retire on...
Virginia Workers’ Compensation Guide
Everything You Need To Know About Virginia Workers' Compensation Hopefully, you will never be seriously injured at work. But if you are, here is a thorough guide to help guide you through the complex Virginia Workers' Compensation process. Virginia Workers'...