Most Important Steps After a Hit and Run in Virginia
Most Important Steps to Take After a Hit and Run Hit and run car accidents are frustrating and much more than an inconvenience. But, if you were injured in a hit and run, the aftermath can be devastating. If you've been injured in a hit and run accident, the most...
5 Things You Need To Know After You’ve Been Denied Disability
5 Things You Need To Know After You've Been Denied Social Security Disability When you get a denial on your Social Security disability claim, there are some very important things you need to consider before going to hearing, including: Facts about medical treatment...
What Happens If I Don’t Feel Immediate Pain After A Car Accident in Virginia?
Can I Get Compensation If I Don't Have Immediate Pain After A Car Accident? Were you involved in a car accident but didn't feel pain immediately after the accident? Did you experience pain that developed some time later? Are you concerned now about getting...
3 Causes Of Distracted Driving In Virginia
3 Causes of Distracted Driving In Virginia Distracted driving is quickly becoming a widespread problem in the United States. Research shows that more than 200,000 people are injured or killed every year due to accidents involving distracted driving. Sadly, Virginia...
Do Virginia Vehicle Inspections Make Cars Safer?
Virginia Vehicle Inspections: For Safety or Profit? Cost for Inspections In Virginia, vehicle inspections are required yearly to operate a motor vehicle on Virginia's roadways. There are maximum inspection fees that service centers are allowed to charge. Those fees...
Rise in 2020 Drunk Driving Fatalities
Rise in 2020 Drunk Driving Fatalities Even though motorists drove less in 2020 due to pandemic lock down, Virginia still saw an increase in the number of drunk driving fatalities. The National Institutes of Health reports that rates of reported alcohol consumption...
Virginia Workers’ Compensation with Al Inigo
Virginia Workers' Comp with Al Inigo Video Transcript Hi, my name is Al Inigo. I’m an attorney with the Ritchie Law Firm, and I’m here to answer questions that you may have after being hurt at work. The first thing that you should do if you are injured on the job is...
Mike Ritchie Quoted On Unagi Scooters Blog
Mike Ritchie Quoted On Unagi Scooters Blog Attorney Mike Ritchie was quoted in an article posted on the Unagi Scooters blog titled The Comprehensive Guide to Electric Scooter Laws. According to Mike Ritchie, Partners at Ritchie Law Firm, Virginia's newly enacted...
Virginia Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer
Virginia Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer Hi, I’m Mike Ritchie with the Ritchie Law Firm. Today, we’re talking about big truck wrecks. Over the past 10 years, there’s been a 52% increase in the number of big truck wrecks in the United States. This increase is...
Common Mistakes in Appealing Your Disability Denial
Common Mistakes in Appealing Your Disability Denial If your initial Social Security Disability application was denied, DON'T GIVE UP!! Most initial Social Security disability applications are denied. In fact, Social Security only approves about 30% of all initial...
Big Truck Accidents
I’m Mike Ritchie with the Ritchie Law Firm. Today, I want to talk about big truck accidents. Accidents involving large trucks and 18 wheelers are different than car accidents. In fact, they are much worse. ...
6 Secrets Social Security Doesn’t Want You To Know
6 Things That Social Security Disability Doesn't Want You To Know About Proving You're Disabled Many people try to handle their Social Security disability claims on their own and are surprised when the Social Security Administration says their claim doesn't meet the...